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* Stades F., Wyman M., Boevé M., Neumann W., Spiess B. (2007) ; "Ophtalmology for the Veterinary Practicioner" ; Second, revised and expanded edition ; pp. 70-71 ; Shlütersche ; Germany
Page 70-71 :
In a recent described conjunctivomaxillorhinostomy method, via the surgically opened punctae and saccus, a fistula is broken through the lacrimal bone to the lacrimal sinus (dog) or the nose (cat) by opening a Mosquito artery clamp. Secondary closure of the fistula was prevented using Mitomycine-C, as an anti-fibroblastic agent.
Wéverberg F. & Honegger N. (2006); "A new surgical approach to treat epiphora in dog and cats : Dacryocystorhinostomy with topically applied Mitomycine-C associated with eyelid correction"; Proceeding Eur. coll. Vet. Ophtalmologists ; Brugge; p. 81
Ophtalmology for the veterinary Practitioner